Monday, July 27, 2009

Life @ ABC

As adults, we never cease to learn all under the sun
But we do FAIL miserably in learning about FUN
We worries, like tomorrow is the end of mankind
We are so afraid, like nightmares that stick
Haven't we learnt that LIFE is at such
Why don't we look to our child within
And learn Life starting with ABC.......

A ... Acknowledge, what has happened
B ... Believe, we can do what we set to do
C ... Change, when we made mistakes
D ... DO IT!
E ... Evaluate
F ... Fuel, not Fear
G ... Get up, not Give up

The list goes on, just your instincts, use your imagination, use your happiness ..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Did Death make another attempt on my life?
Should I have died?
But I survivied?
So why?

Sunday, July 19, 2009


The passion is hot and fiery, then cold and icy
The feeling is warm and fuzzy, then chilling and died
The love declared is everlasting, then lost, it meant nothing
The smile so sweet, now just a silent twitch
The arms that embrace, now have faded
The kiss so passionate, just isolated.
The words ever glorious, withered in the grave
The pledge of being together, now never to have.

The mind that is ever so fickle
The feelings that flicker
Like a SWITCH.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


The Finishing Line
That is triumphant
Everything that comes along the journey
Those are the greatest accomplishments.

It is not about Winning in record time
It is about Winning with a smile
It is about Winning with all the accomplishments.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The most blest gift of this life time

Every week they gathered for Pot Luck dinners
Every now and then, they meet together
Every occasions, they made the effort
For all the laughters, they put together
For all the sprung up surprises
Nothing in this world can ever so bliss.

As of, recently, there is a new friend
I shall not disclose names here
Who brought in a whole new vocabulary of OFF-ing.

The meaning twisted and tossed into oblivious meaning
The diversions of conversations are beyond apprehending
The OFF cue call is Eye Rolling
But they are all good for loads OFF laughing.

Too much OFF ness ......
Someone will get cut OFF
Someone's arse OFF
Someone is at the OFFice
Missing, and OFF to where
Busy on and OFF
Went OFFline

OFFicially, you guys and gal are the best!


Am the bookworm
Flipping through the pages
Scanning the words
Understanding sentences
Making senses of the subject matter.

Am the bookworm
Burning the midnight oil
Cos by days I am playing
By nights, I am sleeping
By the time of exam days
I am hoarding away.

Am the bookworm
I need to study right now!

Monday, July 13, 2009


There are pictures of you
They pop whenever it is needed to
They are assorted
Sometimes distorted
Visions and imaginations
Coaxed by emotions...

These are the frames
The frames of my mind!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Anger no more.
t is all done.

ot worth it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Hi! This is my Hand.
Wave, I can see you from here.
Need a Hand?
I can help you to stand.
This is my hand.
It will help you, if you are my friend.
If you need my Hand.
Just call, and I do whatever I can.
Or you get the wrath of being my enemy.
Cos my hand can get crazy, when I am angry.

Don't underestimate my Hand, my dear friends.
You won't know what is coming .....

Thursday, July 9, 2009


An angel came and sit by my side
With its halo, brightly shine
A smile, so kind and comforting

Holding my hands, leading assuring

There is no worries

With hope, there is happiness.

An angel came, and sometimes might go

But on my head, there is the halo
On my finger, slips the silver ring

In my ears, an angel gently sings.

An angel came, and won't ever leave

An angel, a heavenly gift.