Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The most blest gift of this life time

Every week they gathered for Pot Luck dinners
Every now and then, they meet together
Every occasions, they made the effort
For all the laughters, they put together
For all the sprung up surprises
Nothing in this world can ever so bliss.

As of, recently, there is a new friend
I shall not disclose names here
Who brought in a whole new vocabulary of OFF-ing.

The meaning twisted and tossed into oblivious meaning
The diversions of conversations are beyond apprehending
The OFF cue call is Eye Rolling
But they are all good for loads OFF laughing.

Too much OFF ness ......
Someone will get cut OFF
Someone's arse OFF
Someone is at the OFFice
Missing, and OFF to where
Busy on and OFF
Went OFFline

OFFicially, you guys and gal are the best!