Saturday, April 10, 2010

Life is ..............

Life is peaceful
When one has nothing to say, to comment
To every statement, only a gesture of a smile, a grin....
Life is so wonderful
When one is detached from all sorts of sentiments
All that is left is just been a being.

Life is as clear as crystal
Blue skies and gentle wind
Laying down in the meadows, with nature as one....
Life is full of surprises and magical
All is straight cut, and without any hint
Even though it is not as what one may want, but it is fun.

Life is of all perspective
Full of senses and perception
Just like an inborn, first came into the world ......
Life is full of possible feats
Of affection, sensation and self reflection
That makes it all Whole.

Life is when .. nothing is going on in the mind
Beating in sync
Flowing with nature .....
Life is just life...

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