Wednesday, March 3, 2010

DisCoverIng ~~~ U


The discovery of you is the greatest treasure unearthed
The gem in you is the most precious found
Each day, marks the growth of feelings and emotions.

The discovery of you open up to a whole new world
Finally, the heart is rightfully at home, and feeling so overwhelmed
Each day, intensified the fueling of passions.

Wanting to spending each day and each night
Throughout this life time
Being so far and being so near
Making more discoveries, and knowing you so dear
Truly getting to know you better
Is going to beautiful knowledge that makes you even more perfect than ever.

Discovering and finding the perfect piece of jigsaw puzzle
Which has been missing from this life, and now found, be-dazzled
Blessing graces
By heaven's hands
No one can ever apprehend
The peace that comes with bliss
This is it!

Discovering love
That fits like a pair of gloves
With lots of love
Graced by Heaven above!

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