Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey YOU!

Hey YOU!
What has blinded you so much, that you can't see
What has deafened you so greatly, you can't hear
What has killed your senses, that you just don't feel;
Everytime you turn around, you point a finger at me
Everything that has gone wrong, you just give me the blame
That you don't even realize what you DID.

Hey YOU!
As much as I am at fault, what did you do?
All you did is say good bye and go your way
After all the years of all the effort, just gone to waste
Left me stranded like a fool waiting on, like a stray
The hurt that is in my heart, linger and stay;
You made all the shots, you decided to go
But now you have regrets, and you hurt me back
Everything that you have said, had hurt me so much
But somehow, you probably thought it is OK.

Hey YOU!
Over the years, all the changes are so emotional
Hurt after hurt, it seems so endless
At the end, it is you who couldn't take it
And you threw the white towel at me;
So I changed, I have to stay strong for myself
For all the time, I love so effortlessly
You left as I am in dire need
Now you want to come back, cos you hurt yourself even the worst.

Hey YOU!
Don't look to me, and see my faults
Look into the mirror, and see yourself first;
There has been enough time before you decided what you want to do
That finally, to go, you choose without my consult
You put hurt into my heart, and tears into my eyes.

Hey YOU!
Since you have decided, I followed through
Since you are gone, I moved on
Since you have said so many things, I swallow my pride;
Take responsibility of your actions, just like you forced me to
I pay my respect to you
But I doubt if you will ever know what pain you have caused me.

Hey YOU!
Just be yourself, and forget me as you have wanted to
Forget the memories if that is what you think is the best
Let go, just as you have asked me to long time ago;
Appreciate what you have for now
Forget the past
But just remember ......

One finger pointed @ me, and four is back @ you

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