Monday, March 15, 2010


With my hand on my heart
I pledge my love for u, will never part;
My vow, as I speak of love to u everyday
This love for u, will forever stay;
Through good and bad times
Through laughters and tears we cry;
I would build this world with u
For I truly love u, I DO.

On bended knees
I say, u r all I need;
Life now is never be the same
U have ignited the flame of love;
Warmth is greater than inferno
That chills like winter snow;
Every change of season, I want to be with u
For I truly love u, I DO.

I treasure u for the love u give
To u, I adore and send u my love, my gift;
That always u will know how I feel
I want to spend my life time with u;
Stay in my life with me always
Walk this journey with me, do stay;
For I won't want anyone else but u
Cos I know I truly love only u, I DO.

Loving u always, my Sweets.

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